The wonderful thing about Tiggers, is they always take the Fifth!
"No bouncing 'til I speak to my attorney!"

Disneyland has always been full of posers. Yup! People who want their picture taken...on both sides of the costume!

There's no question the walk-around characters at the Disney parks are what set them apart from everything that came before them...and even the one's that have tried since then.

Walt wanted Disneyland to be a tactile experience. For a little tyke , actually touching and interacting with their fantasy friends is a powerful experience.
It takes a special breed to take on the role of fantasy character...

In the days since their inception, that breed has expanded for better or for worse....

But on the whole, the walk arounds are cool no matter how you look at them...

It's amazing how a polyester and rubber suit can break down walls...

...and get us closer to the things we love! yipes!

I just hope the furry thing doesn't creep into the parks too much....
God knows we don't need Mickey Mouse molested by sauced-up soccer moms...

Anyhow, thought this would make a nice post today....Being Furry Free Friday and all...

Say "Bye, Bye, Mickey!"

"Bye, Bye!"
Creepy! But enjoyable ;) I once heard a story that kids loved to punch those "BIG HEAD" dwarfs right in the nose and by the looks of it, the nose is right where the crotch of the wearer would be. To combat this, the dwarfs would start spinning around, causing the hard rubber hands to fly up and bonk the hooligans in the face....problem solved!
Great post! Love the pictures.
swinging dwarf hands...nice!
You 18-Pic-Posting Brown Noser. Quit trying to make the rest of us slackers look bad!
"Furry Free Friday?" Yikes! Hope I can still post here. =)
Lots of infamous tales about those limp, floppy dwarf arms... for a great example of them in action, check out Disneyland's 35th Birthday TV special. There's a traumatic Michael Jackson performance of something or other and he has a backup team of dancers in those old dwarf suits, the arms bouncing about hilariously due to their complicated dance steps. It's magic itself! I bet you could find it on YouTube...
I still get nervous when a character comes near. But I hardly ever cry anymore.
I'm curious. Did the Beagle Boys ever do walk-around duty at Disneyland?
hmmm dom...not sure, but being mainly comic book characters, i doubt it.
check the local alley!
I think I need a shower now.
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